Katherine Pomerantz, Accountant and Money Coach
Katherine, actress turned accountant, has capitalized on her artistic background to create the Money Storyteller MethodTM – a mindset and accounting framework that helps business owners master the creative language of money to map out and easily achieve ambitious goals. Her expertise has been featured by VICE Media, Discover Card, The Penny Hoarder, and the Stacking Benjamins Podcast. She loves yoga, walking dogs, and throwing rad birthday parties.
Breakthrough Session
It doesn’t matter if you’re the expert in your field or just getting started, no one – and I mean no one – is naturally good with money. That’s why there’s the Money Storyteller Method. This mindset and accounting framework teaches you the creative language of money so your blogging income becomes a story that is easy to understand and analyze. Money is chaotic and business is often unpredictable. Rather than fight this natural ebb and flow, find out your next step to organize, evaluate, or grow your business without the financial stress you’re experiencing now. If you think this method is for you – book a free breakthrough session now!