This Free Lead Magnet Brings in $1-2k Sales Consistently From New Email Subscribers
LEVEL: | TOPIC: Email Marketing
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About the Session:
In this eye-opening session, Jamie Bright reveals the secrets behind her highly successful bingeable email course—a lead magnet that’s not just a gimmick but a game changer for consistent sales. Learn how to capture and retain your audience’s attention in a world filled with distractions, and discover neuro-based principles that will have your subscribers eagerly awaiting your next email. By the end, you’ll understand how to craft an engaging email experience that empowers your audience to make informed purchasing decisions, without the pushy sales tactics that often backfire.
Jamie Bright
Jamie Bright started blogging full-time back in 2011 in the photography industry, before social media and live video launches were a thing. When she was expecting her 4th (of 6) children as the sole income earner for her family, she dove deep into automated email marketing so that she would be able to take a maternity leave without seeing a big income drop. She now teaches other online entrepreneurs how to find the money in their email lists through her Everselling Email System.
Jamie Bright started blogging full-time back in 2011 in the photography industry, before social media and live video launches were a thing. When she was expecting her 4th (of 6) children as the sole income earner for her family, she dove deep into automated email marketing so that she would be able to take a maternity leave without seeing a big income drop. She now teaches other online entrepreneurs how to find the money in their email lists through her Everselling Email System.
Get the Free Bingeable Email Course
This Bingeable Email Course will walk you through how to create an automated email campaign that builds trust, authority, and consistently converts into sales… on autopilot.